Faithful Translation - Alfan Fazan Jr.
Faithful Translation

Faithful Translation

For the people, they must explore their knowledge by read regularly and most of them are written in English. Willy nilly, they must understand what the text contains. Therefore, they need an ability to understand the text by know the meaning of the text, it is translation skills.
One of the way to understand the English reading text, we must know the meaning of the text so that translation skill is really needed for the reader to catch the point of the text. Translation is important skill in language learning to understand the meaning of the text. Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (second language) by equivalent textual material in another language (target language) or the language transfer of a text into the other language which is wanted by the translator without changing the message or the content of the text. So, translation is really needed to transfer the meaning into target language. Because of it, we need the method of translation itself.
  1. Definition of Translation.
Basically, translation is the language transfer of a text into the other language which is wanted by the translator without changing the message or the content of the text. The translator, therefore, should master the vocabulary, structure, idiomatic expression, phrase of both two languages.
Translation, as a process, is an always unidirectional, namely it is always performed in a given direction “from” a source language (SL) into a target language (TL). Different writers define translation in different ways, they are:
    • Catford, defines translation as the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL).
    • Translation is a process of finding a TL equivalent for an SL utterance.
    • Translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and /or statement in one language by the same message and /or statement in another language.
    According to Nida and Taber, translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.
    Translation equivalence could be in the rank of word for word, phrase for phrase, sentence for sentence and so on.
    For the examples:
    • Rumah sakit : hospital
    • Perawat rumah sakit : hospital attendant
    • Saudara perempuanku perawat : my sister is a hospital attendant.
    It seem easier to get the Indonesian equivalent of English in English word in isolation, but when it comes to phrases and sentences then the knowledge of grammar plays an important role. We can see from the examples above that the English adjunct comes before the noun while the Indonesian adjunct comes after it. We can also see that to be (copula) and a (indefinite article) are dropped and not translated in order to obtain accepted Indonesian translation equivalent.
    In conclusion, the main point is, translation is a process of transferring message from a source language into a target language. The form may be changed, but the original meaning must be maintained
    1. Kinds of Translation Method.
    In translating one text into another text in different language, a translator of course need a method. Newmark, puts the methods of translation into two categories:
    Translation methods which put emphasis on source language (SL). In this category, the translator should be able to recreate the contextual meaning of the source text into the target language precisely although there are such syntax and semantic problems in the target text. The kinds of it are:
    • Word for word translation, where the method tends to put the target language words below the source language words without considering the structure of target language.
    • Literal translation, where the translator tries to transfer the source language grammatical constructions to the nearest TL equivalents. However, the ST is still translated into TT literally.
    • Faithful translation, where the method tends to be faithful to the source text, therefore its translation sometimes experiences clumsiness and strangeness. This method will be explain more in the next section because the topic of the pepper is faithful translation
    • Semantic translation, where this method is more flexible than faithful translation.
    Translation methods which put emphasis on target language (TL). In this category, the translator tries to make the same result as the native writer intends the source text. The kinds of it are:
    • Adaptation is the freest form of translation. It also nearest to the target language.
    • Free translation is not bound up with structure of the source language. The translator has a freedom to express a source language’s message in his/her own style.
    • Idiomatic translation, tries to recreate the source language message that is the message of the writer or the native speaker in flexible words or sentences of target language.
    • Communicative translation, does not only involve in converting to the acceptable structure of TL but also in transferring to the flexible and beautiful effect of TL.
    1. Faithful Translation.
    Faithful translation interprets the exact contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of the grammatical structures of the target language
    Newmark proposes that, a faithful translation attempts to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of the TL grammatical structure. It “transfer” cultural words and preserves the degree of the grammatical and lexical “abnormality” (deviation from SL norms) in the translation. It attempts to be completely faithful to the intentions and the text realization of the SL writer.
    This translation method tends to be faithful to the source text; therefore its translation sometimes experiences clumsiness and strangeness.
    SL: Ben is too well aware that he is naughty.
    TL: Ben menyadari terlalu baik bahwa dia nakal.
    From the discussion above, we can conclude that translation is really needed to transfer the meaning into target language. Because of it, we need the method of translation itself.
    Translation is a process of transferring message from a source language into a target language. The form may be changed, but the original meaning must be maintained.
    So, of course we need method to translate something. Newmark, puts the methods of translation into two categories:
    • Translation methods which put emphasis on source language (SL). In this category, the translator should be able to recreate the contextual meaning of the source text into the target language precisely although there are such syntax and semantic problems in the target text.
    • Translation methods which put emphasis on target language (TL). In this category, the translator tries to make the same result as the native writer intends the source text.
    The faithful translation itself is one of the method in first categories where faithful translation is interprets the exact contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of the grammatical structures of the target language.
    - Azizah, Siti. 2009. The Theory of Translation. Pamekasan: STAIN Pamekasan Press.
    - Catford J. C. 1996. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Oxford University Press.
    - Habibullah, Musleh. 2011. Theory of Translation. Pamekasan: STAIN Pamekasan Press

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