Character is one of the aspects of literature that give fundamental thing in a story, and also make the story more lifelike. It deals what James L Potter said in his book Element of Literature states: Character are basic element in much imaginative literature, and therefore they merit the considerable attention paid to them, when critics speak of character, they mean any person who figures in literary work, not particularly a particular or eccentric one: sometimes a given character does not actually appear but is merely talked about. Edgar V. Robert also give definition about a character in his book Writing Theme About Literature states: The word character synonymously with “person” human being”, and literary figure more often we use it in reference to individual’s personal qualities, and characteristic. It means that character is represents a whole of human life that describe in a characterization in the story, and also imitate like in real life. Aristotle also support in his discussion of characterization, stresses the complexity that marks the personages in the greatest play. Nothing grows tiresome more quickly than a perfectly virtuous man or woman at the centre of a play, and nothing is more offensive to the audience than seeing absolute innocence despoiled.
Robert Stanton said in his book An Introduction To Fiction states: Character is commonly used in two ways: it designates the individual who appear in the story, as in “how characters are there? And it, refer to mixture of interest, desires, emotions, and moral principle that make up each of these individual, as in “how would you describe his character. It means that character is one of the major thing in a plot of story, because character could make the story more lifelike with the characterization in plot, and should be arise a suspense on the reader. Like what Graham Little said in his book Approach to literature states: That we have already seen that the best plots arise naturally out of character in action, gaining in credibility and a sense of natural growth this fact.
It supported by Robert Peen Warren that a character is complex of potentialities for action, for many different kinds of action which can finally be rendered consistent with each other. Than Robert Peen Warren adds states: A character must be credible-must make sense, must be able to command out belief. True, the character in question may be eccentric: he may be brutally criminal: he may even be mad. It also supported James L Potter said in his book Element Of Literature states: When the term character is used not refer to a person in literary work but to what he is like, it generally refers to his whole nature,- his personality, his attitude toward life, his spiritual qualities, his intelligence, even his physical build, as well as his moral attributes. It means that character that play by the actor in a literary work expects that similar or imitate the real life of human being. Not only about the part of the character but also the whole life of the actor that characterized in the story and could be make the character more exciting and lifelike. Then, Lehman and Olney said that a character may be in conflict with an external force such as another characters, nature, or society, or he may undergo an inner conflict during which a battles with sow element of his own personality. Character describes a character physical appearance, his speech, and action, and the attitudes of other character toward him.
It also supported by William Kenney in his book How To Analyze Fiction states: The reader may find it more difficult, however, to think of character in these term, far, if there are no plot in life, there certainly are people” and most us tends to expect the people or “ in fiction to be similar to he people in life.
The Types of Character
There are many types of character in fiction that always used by the author or literary worker to completed the literary work. William Kenney in his book How to Analyze Fiction states: Character is divides into “flat and round character. The flat character is less the representation of human personality than the embodiment of a single attitude or obsession in character. The complex (round) character is obviously more lifelike then the simple, because in life people are not simply embodiments of single attitude. It also supported by Kennedy in his book Literature And Introduction To Fiction, Poetry, And Drama said that character may be seem flat or round. A flat character has only one outstanding trait or features, or at most a few distinguishing mark. Round character present us with more facets—that is, their authors portray them in greater depth and in more generous detail.
According to Robert DiYanni in his book that character in fiction can be conveniently classified as a major and minor, static and dynamic. A major character is an important figure at the centre of the story’s action or theme. The major character is sometimes called a protagonist whose conflict with an antagonist may spark the story’s conflict. Then, minor character are often static or unchanging, they remain the same from the beginning of a work to the end. Dynamic characters, on the other hand, exhibit some kind of change –of attitude, or purpose, of behavior –as the story progresses.